After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? (Facial hair)
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? Shaving doesn't affect hair growth - that all happens in the root, below the skin.
Shaving makes it more apparent when it does grow back - the first stubbles are a lot more visible against the clean skin.
And, because the stubble is so short, it feels tougher than hair, even though it isn't. Take a foot-long piece of copper wire and press against one end with your finger - it bends pretty easily. Now take 1/4 inch of the same wire, hold one end in a pair or pliers, and press you rfinger against the other end. Feels stiffer, doesn't it? But you know darn well it's the same stuff. Same with hair.
If you're young and haven't shaved much before, you're probably growing more hair anyway. If you shave and it grows back, you see more. If you didn't shave and just waited, you'd still see more.
It's the same no matter what hair you're shaving - girls or boys.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? no but the hair will grow coarser and darker
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? Everytime you shave the hair grows back thicker, and faster.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? not faster but thicker
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? NO, it just seems like it does, for the ends are no longer soft. Hair grows as it grows, about 1/2" per month in most people..some more, some less. And no, your hair does not change due to shaving..that is an old wives tale. IT is what it is. Otherwise, men who are going bald would shave, then let it grow doesn't work that way. IT will feel as if it is courser, because the ends are blunt cut, not coming to a soft point as they did before you shaved. Goldwing
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? that is totally a myth; it only appears to be that way due to the fact that all of the hair grows back at once. ;-)
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? yes, it will grow back thicker, faster and darker
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? it grows thicker which makes it look faster
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? No, this is an "old wives' tale." It will be cut off on the ends and therefore seems coarser than when it was uncut and each hair tapered.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? not faster but thicker...the more you cut it the more noticalbe it becomes.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? Yes, usually. It also grows back darker, and thicker.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? No, it may seem like it's growing in faster but it's because it's getting thicker and you're getting more mature.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? I'm not sure but I do know it grows out darker.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? Yeah. Unfortunately.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? yes faster and thicker
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? No, and it doesn't grow in thicker either. Just seems that way.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? no, as it grows in, it gets thicker just like the hair on your head did
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? nope. it only grows faster in cold weather...your body adapts
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? yes because everytime u shave the hair will grow back much faster and thicker don't do it too often
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? yea it grows back in like 2 days and its darker and coarser
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? It will grow back thicker and maybe darker. If you shave every day it will get accustomed and grow faster.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? SOMETIMES
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? Don't shave anywhere you wouldn't like to shave for the rest of your life. In other words, don't go too high.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? Yes but does it matter, you will as a matter of course shave every day or eventually grow a beard. The choice is yours.
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? An unqualified, "NO".
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? yes it does
After the first time you shave, does the hair grow back faster than before? Nope, not at all. It looks darker and thicker because you've cut off the downy tips of the first hair growth and left the stub of the hair shaft.