Thursday, April 26, 2012

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

I've seen a few girls that have typical asian facial features, but instead of the normal straight, dark-brown/black hair, they have what appears to be naturally curly hair. Their hair is also jet-black - it doesn't get any blacker than this. Are these features unique to people from a particular country, or is it just a rare occurance among Asians in general, like red hair is among caucasians? .

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

I am Asian, so i do know for a fact that Asians have jet-black hair (or use to, anyway!!) and features some people might call "exotic". Regarding the hair...jet-black and wavy? Usually the Indians. The Chinese usually have naturally straight hair. However, times are changing, and so is the texture and the colour of Asian girls' hair. They call it globalization...

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

On a side note, black hair is generally considered brunette. =)

The Filipino culture is especially mixed. My friend is Filipino, and she looks Chinese from head to toe, but she has very wavy to curly hair. Report It

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

they might be Amerasian...ask them

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

My first guess would be Thai.

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

most likely its a perm (makes their hair curly).

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

Or may be they are a mix.....

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?


What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

Race is not determined by skin color or by hair texture.

It is something that has to do with overall biological genetics.

Asian is Asian just as Black is Black and White is White

Maria Carey is mixed but has clear Black features / White hair

Some Italians have skin tones in the same range as Black light skinned people but are still Caucasian

ALTHOUGH the definition of Black was 8% could over rule you in the AnteBellum even if you were 92% White :)

What race are asian girls with curly black hair?

no, there doing something to there hair, thats not natural, and for the person on here who said mariah has white hair, thats so NOT true, don't you remember her sweet fantasy days? her hair is pretty kinky, and she has white features not black, thats so obvious

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