Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Does shaving accelerate hair growth???

Does shaving accelerates hair growth or is it just a myth?

So what else is a good option for accelerating hair growth? facial hair?

Does shaving accelerate hair growth???

It's half-myth. Certain body hair will stop growing at a certain length (e.g., chest hair). Others, like facial hair, will keep on growing. So, no, shaving does not directly cause it to grow faster, but if it's reached its gap it will of course start growing again.

Does shaving accelerate hair growth???


Does shaving accelerate hair growth???

NO thats just a myth. After shaving the the tip of the hair is square of blunt for a few days so it appears to be thicker .It really isnt thicker or wont grow any faster. try nioxin products.

Does shaving accelerate hair growth???

No...if it did men would have logs growing out of their faces

Does shaving accelerate hair growth???

When I shave, the hair doesn't come quicker or anything. But it does get a little thicker and a little more longer every time I allow it to grow out. However, it does very on your ethnic background, some grow thick, some don't. I was always told that if you shave it makes it thicker and darker in color. But I never heard of it accelerating hair growth. The best thing to do is shave and judge it for yourself.

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