Monday, April 16, 2012

Facial features and continents? Did Caucasians ever all "look the same" at one point?

It seems to me that there is only SUDDLE variation in Oriental features, SUDDLE in West-Asian features, and SUDDLE in black features. I have seen many Chinese, Japanese, Thai, and Vietnamese people and they only seem to have 3,4, or 5 different combinations of facial features. They pretty much have the same cheek bones, nose, etc. And same color hair and eyes. And blacks seem to have 3 different facial feature combos. In my opinion Europeans have maybe 20 different facial possibilities. Why is this? If you look at a book about China you could see how similar the people look to one another, if you see a book about Slovakia or France there is many different facial patterns and hair colors. Why is this? Is it because Moors and Arabs mixed in the gene pool many years ago and created a lot of variation? What did Caucasians look like 2,000 years ago? Did they all look pretty similar? Whites don't have a feature that identifies them for Asians its the eyes and hair, and for blacks the nose.

Facial features and continents? Did Caucasians ever all "look the same" at one point?

yup, and so did Asians and Blacks. We all descended from Noah

Facial features and continents? Did Caucasians ever all "look the same" at one point?

If you research the history of man you will understand why that is, but I think it would be inappropriate of me to explain, (so says my former enviornmental science professor after explaining to us why). But its based on natural selection,(changing of genes) hope I didnt offend.

Start with Swaziland

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