Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hey gals wats your hair removal routine?

I am asking this again just got 4 answers yesterday. So pls share here how often do you shave, wax, get your brows or facial hair done? I see gals hair free most of the time...or the ones i see dont have unwanted hair at all....yeah if thats the case then also share.

Hey gals wats your hair removal routine?

shave: i shave my legs and underarms almost every day. I always use baby oil on my legs afterwards, because that keeps them smooth. If I see i'm getting a rash, then I just don't shave for a few days.

Wax: I was my lips about twice a month at home. went to Sally's and bought the kit. It wass $50.00 and it came with everything. better yet, I've had it for over six months and have plenty of supplies left before I run out... way cheaper thn going to a salon. I also wax my bikini area maybe once or twice a month. it was kind of hard at first, but now I got the hang of it so it's pretty quick and relatively painless.

Brows: i pluck them every day I put on makeup, so pretty much every day. I only maintain though, that means I don't try to shape them, but just keep them clean.

Hey gals wats your hair removal routine?

shave legs.

get eyebrows threaded. and my upper-lip rarely threaded.


Hey gals wats your hair removal routine?


Step 1-Take iHome and iPod into bathroom

Step 2-Turn up to 30 volume, blast Green Day's old stuff

Step 4-Balance on one foot with razor in mouth singing and attempting to put on shaving cream

Step 5-Shave randomly all over legs

Step 6-Repeat


Step 1-Clean tweezers

Step 2-Start in between brows

Step 3-Wince while doing underneath brows

Step 4-Put cool washcloth on brows for pain


Step 1-Hold razor in mouth

Step 2-Frantically put shaving cream underarms

Step 3-Shave all over

Step 4-Deodorant

Hey gals wats your hair removal routine?

i use veet on my legs but only when i start seeing stubbles grow. i'm afraid that those hair removers may be cancerous if used too often but shaving leaves the hair hard and stiff so i still prefer the veet. i pluck the hair in my eyebrows and underarms. i used to wax my eyebrows but that was just too much trouble.

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