Friday, April 20, 2012

How to remove excess hair?

facial hair

How to remove excess hair?

I would advise to bleach it over removing it. However which ever option you pick stay away from Veet Mini Wax strips as the blue sticky residue is so hard to remove

How to remove excess hair?

Bleach it

How to remove excess hair?

use veet hair remover cream for sensitive skin..

How to remove excess hair?

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How to remove excess hair?

depends if you want to do it permanently - use Pulsar if so - it is expensive and hurts but it works

How to remove excess hair?

waxing, plucking, electrolysis, laser treatments, or if it is not too bad just bleach it to make it less obvious

How to remove excess hair?

never ever use, hair remover on your face no no!1 why?/ it may cause you to go blind , for one thing if you dont know what in the hell you asre doing here hons nevr ever please on the face, best soluutionns?? el;ectric razor drag out the good old disopsable razorr we would never attempt hair remover on the face another thing if you just cram it onn you might- permantely, scare your face if your alergic- to the stuff!

How to remove excess hair?

The best one is veet, no pain and hairfree!!

Hope that helped

How to remove excess hair?


How to remove excess hair?

Shave it of with a razor like many people do. Or grow a fine beard.

How to remove excess hair?

Try hair removal cream.

How to remove excess hair?

I use nair wax. It's not that expensive, it's good for sensitive skin but it stings a little the first couple of times you use it. The trick is to pull your skin tight before you try to pull the wax strip off, that way it's faster and hurts less. Plus, the more you wax, the less it comes back (it gets thinner) until it eventually never comes back. You could also try some facial lotion with a hair reducer in it. They have the "shave minimizing formula" lotion for your legs and now they have the same kind of stuff for your face. It just makes it thinner.

How to remove excess hair?

Wax it (ouch) electrolysis (can be expensive) Pluck (ouch) or shave Hmmmmmm embarassing. Personally i would check out removal creams however they can leave you red faced.

How to remove excess hair?

i always use a lawnmower. But be careful its quite tricky to use on your face. Watch those eyes!

How to remove excess hair?

Its so hard being a woman, isn't it. I would say to wax it away... The hairs grow back finer and lasts up to 8 weeks. A good friend of mine has electrolysis, which she says is painful, and she has to shave in between treatment, but there has been a huge reduction on her forehead and sideburns. yuk!!!

How to remove excess hair?

The only permanent ways are with laser therapy or a form of electrical epilation.

Laser costs thousands but electrical epilation (i.e. electrolysis) can be done in a salon and is a lot cheaper.

Ask for a free consultation at your local salon. Please don't be shy because as a therapist I have sucessfully treated women with a full beard due to hormonal problems. Also men going through gender reassignment

Beauty Therapist

How to remove excess hair?

laser treatment????????????????

How to remove excess hair?

Threading may be an option - depends on the hair type

How to remove excess hair?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

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