Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

alrite....I'm a young teenager who is in a musical at school...."High School Musical". im not a main character but im one of the basketball players. i have long dirty blonde hair. I need to look sporty. I am the only girl jock too so i definately need help. I kind of get the clothes part but what do i do with my hair! No facial hair or anything(im a 11-13 yr old in the musical). How should i wear my hair? im thinking about a hat....HELP!!!

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

Ok, I don't know if you'll be able to understand this, but I'll try to explain it the best I can. Here's what we did in one of my previous musicals. (The girl had to play a guy part)

1. Put your hair in a ponytail. (You'll adjust it later)

2. Get either a large sweatband or a cap or something

3. Instead of just letting it dangle take your actual ponytail and flip it up, so that it goes up and around to your forehead.

4. Now that you have some hair (bangs) on your face, take your sweatband and put it on top of the bangs. The sweatband will hold the hair down. Now that it's holding the hair down, spread your hair out so that it starts to look like bangs.

5. To give your bangs the "guy" effect, kind of mess it up a little, and give it kind of like, the zac efron appeal. Like, you know how he kind of pushes his hair to the side? Kind of like that, or however you want it. If you take just a few strands of hair on the side and put it down it almost looks like you have sideburns.

6. Now that the sweatband is covering the front part of your face, make sure that the back of the sweatband is covering the ponytail.

7. If you wear a hood, you won't have to worry about what the back of your head looks like, so just worry about the bangs. You could also wear like a bandanna or a hat.

Well, again, I tried explaining it as best I could, but I hope you find out what to do about your hair for the musical. Good luck!!!

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

Wear your long hair under a cap. Some years ago, we did a production of "Sugar" [it's a musical version of "Some Like it Hot"] in which the tap-dancing gangsters were played by girls wearing fedoras.

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

a bun in the back and maybe a hat

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

Yeah, wear your hair into a baseball cap or beenie or something. Or put it up in a bun or something. How come you cant be like a girl bball player?

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

There is a type of pony tail that guys wear, it's not tied up at the top like a girl, it's tied at the bottom. If you have bangs you'll have to cover them, a thick sweatband should do the trick and it'll match the basketball theme. Otherwise, clothes can be baggy, and wear a couple of sports bras to squish any boobs you have showing! It's also in the way you walk too, don't sway your hips - watch how the boys walk and match them. Use a wide, masculine stance when standing. From the audience, you should look enough like a male to blend in with the rest.

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

French braid the top of your hair and pin your hair flat to the back of your head in the back. you could also do a sleek bun or low ponytail with a hat

How would a girl with long hair look like a guy?

just put you're hair in a bun in the back and try to position yourself so that people can't quite see it. it's a little hard to wear a hat when your on a basketball team even if it's fake. you could also get a wig.

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