Monday, April 16, 2012

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

the facial hair can be seen if i dont shave there, but if i do shave then it will probably get worse and really fair so the hair can be seen from afar...i cringe when i have to shave, as i then have almost like a dark black patch below my eyes..... (i sometimes try to put some powder to cover it up)! if i do shave it off then i will be shaving really high up forever...what do i do??

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

Try a depilatory cream that is designed for the face. Some you might want to try are by Sally Hansen and Hair Off (

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

sounds like the werewolf syndrome shown on 20/20 a week ago

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

You can bleach the skin, wax it, or get electrolysis. Waxing will give you a smoother look but you have to keep it up. The upside is that you are less likely to make your hair thicker by shaving it. Electrolysis is more permanent but it can be painful. You can consider getting lasered but it takes time for it to work and serveral sessions.

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

just b care live ur life like a wareful.thanks for 2 points

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

get it lasered, and get skin bleach for the patches below your eyes, and have your hormone level checked, that could be the cause.

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

Definitely don't shave it again! Shaving makes hair coarse, appear thicker and causes nasty in-growns. Pay the money for a professional to wax it (I doubt it would be much, as it's only a small area). After it's been waxed a few times, it will be much easier to do yourself and hurt a lot less. You'll be able to start doing it yourself at home then.

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

Unfortunetly by shaving in areas at a young age it has created a memory card in your brain much like grass growing. There is a remedy. You must drink one pint of goats milk everyday for a month. You must boil the goats milk and put it on a face cloth. Leave it there for 20 minutes. Then go to see Dr. Waxjob once a month. See if they are running any 2 for 1 specials and quite possible you can have your groin waxed for the same price. After about 75 years your problem will be solved. In the meantime it could be quite profitable for you getting a job in a carnival

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

Get it waxed it will thin it out and last waaaaay longer! Eventually it will cease to be an issue.

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

You have to get it waxed for sure...I don't think it will hurt that bad either especially in that area...I never had facial hair before and about a year know those new little stick things that remove hair that doesn't cut you or whatever. It was on TV well anyways my friend had one and I was playing around with it and messed with my upper lip for some DUMB reason...(I really didn't think the thing worked) and NOW I have a dang hair but really the best thing to do is wax it...well that is the cheapest...or you could get it bleached....or lasered(ouch)

I have hair above my cheekbone but below my eyes, i shaved there when i was younger!?

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

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