Friday, April 20, 2012

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

I have black hair black eyebrows and black facial hair, I think it looks better short like shaved a 2, but lots of people prefer long hair, can I get some opinions?

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

short hair long hair is for girls

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

short hair is sexy

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

neat is good

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

Short Dude...go short.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

Long or short is good, as long as it is well groomed.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

Hum. Personally I like long hair. I don't know what you look like, but from your description I think a medium hair style might suit you. You ought to ask a hair dresser his/her opinion.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

I think short hair looks hott!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

my girlfriend likes mine short

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

m nt a lady.. so sry cnt answer tht 1!!!.........

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

both long or short can be sexy...if its long it needs to be pulled back in a pony tail but if its short have comb back...ummm thats sexy too....

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

it all depends on how your face looks cause too much hair might be too much and not look good at all

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

u have to see the face in order to judge

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

short hair

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

I'm a short hair girl... shorter the better... shaved if possible.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?


LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

well I like guys with long hair and short hair that is sexy!

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

I prefer long hair, my partner has long hair...just love that on a guy.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?


LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

long hair looks nice with black hair

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

if you are ugly you don't have a remedie

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

I think long hair is good for some people it really depends on the complexion. If you have a very dark complexion, short, if you have a very light or tanned color skin tone probably long!.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

I like men with long hair not long enough to put in a ponytail put long enough to tuck behind your ear

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

I prefer short on men,I hate it when a guy takes longer in the mirror with their hair than I do!As long as you feel good in yourself thats what matters.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

Well if long hair is suitable with ur personality %26amp; look then u can keep them or else short hair.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

This could go one of two ways. Some girls love short hair. Some girls love long hair. The secret is, if you want to pull off long hair, you have to know how to do it. Ive seen to many men who fall victim to the "I have awesome long hair and girls will love it... wait.. whats conditioner??" syndrome. If you know how to take care of it, style it and make it look shiny, then yes long hair is awesome. If you prefer to not take the time to make it look good, then stick w/ the short.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

short for guys and long or mid length for girls

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

short hair is definitely sexy on a guy...long hair doesn't look right

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

It doesn't matter how old you are or what all the other girls is what works with your face shape.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

It all depends on the guy. Both can be attractive. You may want to consider a medium length. And maybe wear it kind of messy, alot of girls like the bed head look, and it usually looks very good with dark hair. Good luck.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?

short w/ sideburns. most def.

LADIES PLEASE RESPOND.. what looks better, short or long hair?


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