Monday, April 16, 2012

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 & embarassed! She l

I'm a girl, and I have a 'moustache', hairy arms and hairy legs and not so bad armpits.

She told me that she was just like me when she was my age, but her facial and arm hair was all gone naturally at the age of 20. I sometimes doubt it but she insists on it.

She doesn't let me shave, but I am so embarassed! She says she'll let me shave when I'm FREAKING 17.

Will I regret secretly shaving at a friends? Will she notice? Will the hair look coarser and nastier? Will I have to keep a commitment? Is a few years of waiting worth it?

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

................... dont shave your arms. just wear jeans... it'll all be good.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Quite frankly, it's none of her business. This is one area where parents need to butt out.

No, the hair doesn't magically disappear at 20.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

she aint the one who has to go to school and out in public and people star and laugh at ill shave its worth the risk wat can she do to u other then grown you,give you a whoping

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

The hair will be less noticable if you do not shave than if you do shave. My mom did not let me shave when I was your age and I didn't understand why, until I got to an age where I now have to shave everyday or I have stubble. And definatly DO NOT shave your "moustache". You only want to get that waxed or removed in a way that lasts longer.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

wow your mother is strick! you should be shaving already whether she likes it or not what i would do is buy some razors and hide them and then when you take a shower use it "she doesnt come in the shower and watch you does she" i would just do it!

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

You are old enough to start shaving. I started when I was 11..I agree with the first poster..She needs to butt out...shaving is a normal part of good hygiene.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

I think you should only shave your legs, trust me. I shaved my arms and the hair is thick and noticible now!! She will never notice you shaved your legs, and your 13 you shouldnt have to wait.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

when i first wanted to shave my legs, i just grabbed a razor and started at it w/o even telling my mom. but i ended up telling her anyway. Just tell your mom that you want to shave and that it's disgusting and you're embarrassed about it. if she doesnt listen to you, just do it. But you really should listen to what your mom has to say, you can ask her if you can try it. or or you can just do it and then say mom i feel more confident with myself when i shave, and i think you should just let me do it from now on.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Oh goodness! Hair doesn't just magically go away! It actually gets worse with age. I started shaving my legs when I was 9. Just go ahead and shave. If she has a problem with it, tell her that you are 13 and it is proper hygene! Maybe you could even talk to one of your gym teachers at school and have them talk to your mom about it.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

If you shave of course she will notice. Whatever you do don't shave anything on your face it just comes back thicker and darker. That's a fact. Who cares if you arms are hairy. You will regret shaving them that's for sure. You will see when you shave your legs. Its not something fun to do. For sure your not gonna wanna shave your arms and legs. Its a fact if you don't shave as often your hair don't grow as fast. My stepmother would only let me shave the my calf's nothing above the knee. And till this day I can tell the difference between the hair on my calf's to my thighs.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Your hair might grow back coarser and thicker if you shave - use a hair removal cream, string it or wax instead.

Yes, once you remove body hair, you will have to keep removing body hair. So yes, it is a commitment.

If you keep your legs covered, as well as your arms, no, she won't notice.

DO NOT SHAVE FACIAL HAIR! It will grow back coarser and darker! Wax or tweeze instead.

And NO. Hair won't just go away. Unless you have like an estrogen overload, it won't happen.

Talk to your mom about how your hair is making you feel. She probably just wants to keep her little girl.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Your hair's not going to magically disappear when you're 20.

As a note, whoever keeps saying arm hair ends up more noticeable after shaving them is being paranoid - it's not. It looks just as noticeable as stubble on your legs.

Just shave them.

Or find an article somehow disproving her hair disappears statement.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

why don't you ask her if you could at least have your moustache threaded....DO NOT ever shave it!! not a good plan. i don't believe your mom when she says she lost all that hair naturally....honey if you have a moustache at 13 you are definitely gonna have one and a worse one by the age of 20....i wouldn't worry about the hair you have anywhere else right now...i mean you could always shave your legs and hide that from her but that would be about it. leg hair does grow back pretty fast too, so if you say needed to for some reason like gym class or some thing where people would see your legs then shave them, they will grow back fast enough that u would be able to hide it from your mom....sorry to hear your mom is being so stubborn and cruel about this...doesn't she have any idea how mean other kids can be about this kind of stuff? i would tell her just how i felt and how embarrassed i was too....maybe she would be a bit more compassionate if you did. hope this helps

good luck

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

I am Mexican, I can relate to a mustache, wax that crap! Or you can bleach it, as long as its not too thick or else you will have a blond mustache.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.


First of all, never shave either your arms or any facial hair. When you shave (using a razor or electric razor) the hair grows back more course over time. You obviously don't want any of that.

I suggest that on you arms and face you bleach the hair. It turns the hair light and makes it far less noticeable. When you're older, you can think about doing something permanent like electrolosys. I don't recommend waxing the hair on your upper lip. That area is very sensitive and it could result in damage to the skin.

As for shaving your legs, instead of shaving, why not use a product like Nair or Neet. As far as I'm aware, the hair will not grow back more coursely and the results will be even better. (Smoother skin, etc.)

As regards your mom, you're definitely in a tough spot. I know that my daughter went back and forth with her mom before she was allowed to shave her legs. By the way, my daughter is absolutely gorgeous, even though she has hairy arms and legs and a little hair on her upper lip but to hear her talk about it, you'd think she was a monkey.

Keep talking to your mom and suggest these alternatives. Do some research so your mom will see that you've thought this through. Call you pediatrician and ask them if there are any detrimental effects to either shaving or "creaming" for lack of a better word.

Good luck, sweetheart.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

If you are going to shave, DON'T shave your face, or it WILL grow back thicker.

Unless you always wear pants around her, she will notice if you shave your legs. Don't shave your arms. Just don't.

I never started shaving until I was almost 14. I wasn't allowed either...after I did start shaving I wished I hadn't. Once you start, you kinda have to keep doing it.

As it is, I shave once a month if I can even be bothered, and I am 18. I usually just shave if I have a special occasion to go to.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

just do it yourself. and if you're afraid of her finding out (seeing the thicker coarser hair) try to maintain it pretty well. i had to start shaving behind my mom's back, but once she found out i was doing it, she was completely fine with it, just told me to be careful and not cut myself :)

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

I'd shave it anyway. make sure that you use shaving cream or lathered up soap before using the razor. It helps the razor slide smoothly.

Another suggestion You could use is Nair facial hair removing cream(they have body hair cream too. just read the boxes). you just put it on the hair, leave it there for a couple of minutes, then wipe it off with a damp cloth. That's not shaving!

it's freedom of expression. WHat does your dad think? it's easier for your mom to tell you not to. She's not the one who's embarrassed. As far as hair in other places. I'd shave when i'm in the shower or bath. How will she know if your body's covered in clothes?

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

wow i feel sorry for you, my mom lets me shave everywhere, but the hair gets thicker thats the bad part, go to walgrees, and get a venus razor, for like 7 bucks, and use it without telling her!

good luck!

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

That is how my mom was.

But that was when i was 12 and i had hairy everythinggg.

But my dad said yes.

ANd so i did and and then we comprimised.

I waxed my upperlip and have ever since 7th grade.(8th grade now).

My mom just tells me its my problem now.She says if i want to waste my time grooming myself then its my problem.

whereever you shave it will come back darker but that is why you keep shaveing.

You have to keep a commitment to do it whenever it is needed.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Ok I disagree with all the people who say shave already

My mom doesn't let me shave...And its not so bad. Who cares if you don't shave? Its not like they're the one in your body. For one hair grows back FASTER after you cut/shave it. I don't know where I read it at...Probably health class or something like that. But anyways, you're going to have to have a commitment. And you'll probably cut yourself the first time, so why go to school with a bunch of little cuts on your arms and legs? It makes it look even worse with a bunch of scabs. Just wait or whatever. My mom won't let me even get a pink streak in my hair until I'm a senior in High school.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

hun,i dont know what to tell u about ur problem.

but about the mustache..

i have 1 too.

its not like HUGE or anything.

but at times mine is noticable %26amp; everyone in my class tells me about it.its so embarassing!

i dont wanna shave it cuz,i dont wanna b like a man.

i just want it to go awayyy.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

I think its fine to shave your armpits and legs, you probably won't have much of a stubble problem. I would not shave your face! You will have noticeable stubble, and have to completely be committed to or it won't look good. I have thick dark facial hair, its embarrassing. I bleach it with Sally Hansen facial bleach every other week, I also waxed it for the first time a few weeks ago. Those are two very good options. The bleach is much less expensive and works fine. You may want to try that. Hope I was somewhat helpful.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

If you wear shorts to school in the summer, then I suggest you shave then. Make sure when you do that you don't completely shave off the entire hair piece, because then it will grow back even hairier.

If you shave at a friend's house, make sure you wear sweatpants at home, because your mom might see that you did shave, and get extremely mad that you disobeyed her.

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

come home crying say a girl made fun of you because you didn't shave...i think 13 is to young to shave girls i know started shaving in 5th grade at like 11 or 12...but i know how you feel it is really really embarrassing to wear shorts or anything but long sleeves because your hairy...i think you need to tell your mom whats going on again and then if you have to hide shaving i hate to tell someone to hide something from their mom but i did and my mom finally caved at 14 to start shaving...also don't leave your shaver in the shower hide it in your room

it won't look coarser or nasty for a while...i say only shave your legs and under arms maybe wax eye brows and mustache

good luck i know it sux!

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

I think you should start shaving. I started when I was probably 10 or 11. Just try to get some razors to shave. Yes your hair will grow back more coarse but thats the way it is. Just dont shave your "moustache" because thats the only part on a womans body that i think should never be shaved. Because it will grow back coarser and looking worse than it did before. So what you do is wax it for now or tweeze it. You can also go to a salon to get it "threaded" or bleached.

Hope i helped!

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Well, it is YOUR decision. Did you tell her you were REALLY embarressed? Maybe she doesn't know! If she still says no, you might as well shave at your friends!

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Have you had a word with your dad? He might be more help.

Your mom may be absolutely right in that some girls do find that when their estrogen levels come up in their late teens the male-type hair disappears, though it usually reappears at menopause. But for many girls, once the hair comes, it stays.

Have a chat with your dad and try to get him to work on your mom. Be sure to refer to your moustache when you talk to your dad -- and indeed to your mom.

Why don't you trim your moustache with a nail scissors, if they won't allow you to shave it?

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Okay trust me that is not right. You should totalyy be able to shave and she should not hold the fact that she dosne't have much hair against you. I suggest talking to an aunt or an older close friend for DEFENSE!

My mom doesn't allow me to remove hair any way or anywhere. I'm 13 %26amp; embarassed! She lost her hair naturally.

Do it O_o. You giving me the creeps.

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