Monday, April 16, 2012

What are some good plans to make my facial skin look good/clean in 3 weeks?


Healty Food?


I got some dull and nasty skin in my face for now but I want a clean face

no acne

no marks

maybe wax my facial hair


What are some good plans to make my facial skin look good/clean in 3 weeks?

Diet does work, contrary to what some say, but it is more of a long-term solution. To work, it must be a vegan diet with no meat, dairy or added oils or sugar. No fried foods. Eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains and beans and nuts.

This reduces the hormones that cause acne. Teenagers in East Asia who eat traditional diets do not have acne. But, when they switch to a western-style diet, they get it.

Zinc supplementation is also good. Take 50 mg. per day with meals. Don't take it on an empty stomach or you'll get queasy. Zinc is good for all skin problems, including acne.

Wash your face three times/day with a good cleansing soap.

Moderate exercise is also good.

If you do this, your skin will improve. It takes some time though. It will look better in 3 weeks, but probably not perfect in that amount of time. Good enough though.

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