Monday, April 23, 2012

What is the best and most effective way to remove unwanted hair?

I have some facial hair that I have to keep waxing and waxing often breaks me out, leaving ugly bumps and blemishes... I am now considering having them permanently removed but I am not experienced with such services, I searched the internet but it seems that most sites are out to sell their own products, however, "Finally Free" worth $100 from seems really appealing but I am still a little skeptacle because as I mentioned before, I don't know too much about permanent hair removal... Has anyone had it done? If so, What procedure did you use? How long did it take to get the results that YOU wanted? How much did it cost you? I sincerely appreciate all your help! Thanks.

What is the best and most effective way to remove unwanted hair?

I had a friend who was addicted to laser hair removal. It started with his back hair (understandable) then his chest hair (a little weird) then his arm hair (getting creepy now). Anyway, it didnt seem to cost him too much. I started looking into it for my legs but I quickly found out that they cant do laser hair removal on blond or red hair, and all my body hair is blond or red. But I wouldnt think an upper lip wouldn't cost too much at all. A full leg is 800 dollars, give or take, so an upper lip must be much less.

What is the best and most effective way to remove unwanted hair?

Never hear dof it myself, but electrolesis I would recoment. It's plucking. With electgric tweezers. It's not instant. But it eventually kils the follicules. And it hurts like hell. At least I thought it did .But I'm a whimp. I even hurt when I shave my legs so don't mind me.

What is the best and most effective way to remove unwanted hair?

If you opt not to have the permanent removal, have you tried the hair removal sandpaper that is sold in the pharmacy? It works like a charm to remove facial hair. And doesn't seem too onerous to use every other day or so to completely erase hairs and leave the skin baby smooth. Just have to be careful to not rub hard, or you'll get a rash. Rub about 5-6 times clockwise then 5-6 times counter clockwise. The papers last a long time and are well worth the price.

What is the best and most effective way to remove unwanted hair?

Plucking (tweezing), Shaving, Depilatory creams and Waxing are temporary hair removal methods.

Waxing usually lasts for 3 weeks, but it is painful.

Electrolysis and laser hair removal are 閳ユ笡ermanent閳?hair removal methods but are expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged.

A review of the various hair removal methods is available at

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