Monday, April 16, 2012

Can you tell if someone is biracial by there facial features?

can you tell if someone is biracial by there facial features, bone structure, hair or the way they talk?? like what 2 things on first impression would make u assume that the person is biracial?

my friend kate thought my friend aliza was biracial by the sound of her voice.. im just curious if maybe something else about aliza would of triggerd kate to think she was biracial like maybe her face structure or something..? shouldnt it at least be 2 thinks about a person (when making a first judgment) that would trigger you to believe that there not one race.. by the way im biracial and am a friend of both kate and aliza and im really curious? I asked kate and aliza this question and there totally stumped about it? what about you what do u think?

Can you tell if someone is biracial by there facial features?

Not always.

Can you tell if someone is biracial by there facial features?

Well think about it. How else would you be able to tell? Unless you run a DNA test.

Can you tell if someone is biracial by there facial features?

Sometimes, it just depends.

Can you tell if someone is biracial by there facial features?

Sometimes for example you can tell that Tina Turner is mixed. She has high cheekbones and her light skin tone. She is Native American and African American.

Can you tell if someone is biracial by there facial features?

Well, yes. I think so. Not so much by the way they talk, depends on their accent or where they're from. I'm not goin to say "oh, he/she sounds white, so they must be half white." No, never that. I know a lot of mixed ppl. I know two who stick out more than the other mixed ppl i know at my school. I know this girl, Stardria, who is German/Black, i could tell she wuz mixed cuz she has very light skin and she has a long nose pointing downward, instead of a flat nose. Her hair is really thick and curly, drk. brown eyes, and she is quite curvy. She has a somewhat Southern accent, which at first i thought wuz wierd, cuz of how she looked. she looks more German than she does Black, but clearly, u can tell she is both ethnicities, quite a pretty girl she is, she looks different, not like any other girl. My other friend, Claudia, is Mexican/Black, and she has a light caramel hue to her skin, and she has a face of a Hispanic girl. Her hair is curly/wavy and she has lt. brown eyes, but she looks Black, mostly. At first, i just thought she wuz Puerto Rican or another Hispanic ethnicity. She is pretty and exotic lookin.

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