Monday, April 16, 2012

How to get long hair?

i have a very nice facial complex and my hair length is not long but its not short and i just wanna know how do i get long hair mabe like the length of aaliyah.

How to get long hair?

Time is the biggest factor. Eat healthy as well, and exercise. Next, make sure you have a good hair stylist that can give you a good regular cut. They should also be able to give you tips about daily hair care.

Good luck!

How to get long hair?

Don't cut it whenever it is about to grow!

How to get long hair?

Are you trying for the natural route, or synthetic? To promote hair growth the natural way, take vitamins. Especially, B12. A womens one a day will also help. Synthetic--go to the salon and get hair extensions put in. They last for like 4-6 weeks, but they are really exprensive. My friend has it done to her hair once a month and it costs her like $900.00 each visit. Good Luck :)

How to get long hair?

you grow it out. and if you're african american which i'm assuming that you are, grow it out and straighten it. or if you want long hair fast, get extentions.

How to get long hair?

Well let me tell you, what you have to do is drinks lots of goats milk. Only on webnesdays ,thursdays, and Sundays. Then eat a bananas ten times a day for a week. Please tie your shoes thanks

How to get long hair?

Do not cut it. Try taking vitamins it is supposed to help really really good in the length of your nails and hair. Hope this helps.

Exercise, eat good.

If u want long hair fast get extensions.

How to get long hair?

You probably won't believe me, but seriously, if you use horse shampoo, it will make your hair grow faster. It has allot of protein in it. And yes I said, horse shampoo.

How to get long hair?

okay well everyone is telling you not to cut your hair, but once your hair is kinda long, it will get split ends, and it wont grow-- so once you notice split ends you should just get a little trim!---- and then it would grow fast again.. well anyways, idk about the vitamins because this is all i know :oD

but good luck :-)

How to get long hair?

limit the heat and chemicals on ur hair. and if u are african american, when it's about time for ur perm...let it go a little over a week for the time it is due. that way u will see the dramatic growth of ur hair.

How to get long hair?

The best way to get your hair to grow and grow healthy is to keep it healthy. Get it trimmed regularly. Use good products. I recommend Design Essentials. Finally try not to use a lot of heat on your hair.

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