Monday, April 16, 2012

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

I'm about 10 weeks along and I feel like since I've been pregnant I've been getting some blackheads (GROSS! I know!!) I'm skeptical to go get a facial though.. any suggestions?? Also my roots are growing in soooo terribly what has everyone else done about these two things while pregnant! I'm sorry if I sound obsessed with my looks I'm really not I just feel ugly since I've been preggers (although my boyfriend assures me I'm just nuts) I want to do something to make myself feel good.

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

the joys of pregnancy.... blackheads, grown out roots, and feeling ugly as ever! i remember those days. (fortunately my husband LIKES curvy women.)

i have a full term, healthy 3 month old baby boy and i #1 had regular facials at a spa nearby. only lotions were used, no chemicals. and #2 i continually had my hair colored. my stylist, though, didn't put the color "all the way to the roots" just to be safe. however, my hair grew SO fast during my pregnancy that i ended up getting it colored like every month. didn't seem to hurt the baby.

i think there are more important things to worry about besides whether or not you can get a facial. like, taking vitamins, eating right, exercising, etc. those are the things that will matter in the long run. and as far as feeling ugly, that won't change unless you learn to like your new body! (i think the facials and pregnancy massages made me feel better about myself. all that extra weight on your ankles, i think, make YOU deserve some extra pampering!)

best of luck to you!

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

Very bad, my friend dyed her hair got her nails done, everything and had a miscarriage, the dye takes the vitamins from your hair, just relax and look natural for the first few months you have to think about the baby now not your appearance.

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

I wouldn't think there was any harm in having a facial, provided you are just talking about one where they do the scrub, exfoliate etc. But definately no chemical proceedures like peels, laser or electrolosis.

As for dying your hair, you may find that your hair wont even hold color while pregnant. Many women find this to be the case, no matter how often they color. I know it's true for me.

Natural foods stores often carry a very limited number of hair dyes without ammonia or chlorine that would be o.k to use in a well ventilated area. And definately do a test patch somewhere first.

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

Well this is one of those things that's still up for debate by the experts. Facials should be okay as long as it's just creams and stuff. Stay away from any salon that does machine facials, as they can be harmful even from far away. As for hair dye, as long as the chemicals aren't so strong that they fill the area with a foul odor, you should be okay. I've only ever had my hair dyed with one brand, and it's very light odor. My hairdresser uses redken 5th avenue I believe. Good luck. I know how you are feeling right about now!

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

there have not been any studies showing that dying hair is harmful. i don't know about the facials.but coloring hair is fine. Especially if you do highlights or root lights b/c very little of the dye comes in contact with your scalp. I had my hair colored 2-3 times while i was pregnant.. and i have a healthy 2 yr old.

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

I will tell you what my dr told me. Just make sure whatever you do is after your first trimester which is 12-13 weeks. If you dye your hair at home make sure it's in a well ventilated area. If you go to a salon, I've heard some women ask for masks.

I had allot of breaking out but just used facial wash stuff at home. But I did have to get my hair done at home, the roots and the greys were horrible. I looked like a pregnant grandma!

Another thing that I got later in the pregnancy was splotchy skin...right on my cheeks for the world to see!! And I asked on this and all I got was "it'll go away after the baby's born". Thank God for makeup!!

Congrats on your pregnancy!!

Facials and pregnancy?! also hair dye, etc.?

i had a high risk preg and my dr. wouldnt let me highlight my hair... so , if i were you i wouldnt take the chance...even tho alot of my friends thought it was stupid.... i wouldnt think a facial would hurt, but, why dont you look up some all natural reciepes and do your own?

by the way, i had terrible acne when i was preg. - its hormones.

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