Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

Or is it a huge turn-on? I'm talking really hairy chests, legs, under arms, facial hair (sideburns, moustaches %26amp; beards) and lots of pubic hair... All of them, one or the other. I find it a huge turn-off but what are your thoughts?

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

yes i thinks its a huge turn off

theres nothing worse than resting your head on a big hairy bush of a chest

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

some do some dont

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

well it is for me. Yeuck!

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

too much a turn off!! to less a turn off!!

in between!!!

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

Surely it depends on the thoughts of the individual woman ? Let's face it, some even like David Guest.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

a huge turn-off especially hairy chests and beards.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

u r definitely masculine. i don't like hair on the face and not too much on the chest! but women like different things! but i'd say you're definitely masculine.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

TURN OFF!! Women usually only like hair on a guys legs, and under their arms is ok, but having a hairy back or chest is eewww....

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

I shaved my balls. Now I'm a huge hit among friends and family.

Seriously though, wtf?

We ALL grow hair out of the oddest places. Women have armpit hair too, did you know?

Why is something so natural supposed to be a turn-off?

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

any where but not the beard

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

A hairy chest is gods gift to women

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

I don't mind a hairy chest, but the woolly bear look is a definite no-no.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

YUCKS...for me. Chest hair is ok. But all the other hairy parts can be trimmed and it will look nice. If it's not looked after ...then really it will be a HUGE turn off

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

yeah deffinately HUGE turn off

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

I love a hairy man.

A well kept beard, fluffy head, soft hairy bum to stroke.


Hairy men are manly men, love 'em

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

A lot depends on the way the man looks after himself. If he is spotlessly clean and trim then being hairy is definitely a turn-on for me.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

i want to have sex with a man i want him to look like a man

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

(lol Mika!)

Personally, I like men to look like men, chest hair is great and i like beards too, as long as somebody has good personal hygine and stuff then I see no reason why hair is "icky" on men

Why do men suddenly all think women want them to be fighting them for the leg wax jar...thats just not very macho now is it? If i man told me he waxed his pits im sorry but i would probably laugh quite a lot with that mental picture in my head

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

if its trimmed and kept up it can look good but it depends on the woman why husband is the hairy he-man but his body is like WOW so i could care less

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

no thanks honey

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

A turn -off definitely - a clean shaven face and no chest hair works for me

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

Hairy chest, arms and legs.... all good.... keep the er... toilet area... neat and tidy.... hairy back .....just wrong. Facial hair.... no... light stubble is good though.... very good.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

hairy chests and backs no smooth yes

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

Everyone I know loves my hair.

I'm covered in it as you can see.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

some love it,others hate it.if your happy with it do not true to your self.I,m sure your a wonderful person,hairy or not.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

Definitely a turn on!

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

Pubic hair, legs, under arms and a little on the face are all fine with hair. Chest hair and especially back hair don't do anything for me.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?


Well as long as we're not talking yeti's twin brother I'm all for hairy men (barring nostril, ear hair and excessive back hair).

I mean, keep things tidy by all means but fully shaven-eeeew! What IS that all about??

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

it means you have good genetics for breeding, back in the day the gorrila type men produced the most babies due to their testosterone level and sperm count. attraction has changed now and id say women like a semi haired man meaning no hair in odd places that are irregular from the norm.

youd find the younger the girl the less they like hair.

no: back, shoulders.

neutral: face.

yes: chest, arms, legs.

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

if it's too much like u have written then hell no, but too lilttle make u think they're still a lil boy so i like a lil bit off hair though....

Is manly hair a huge turn off for women?

my guy has a lovely hairy chest it doesnt bother me at all

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