Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

Personally, I keep my hair short, and my goatee and sideburns trimmed pretty well. But I always wonder; so long as the man in question kept himself very clean and well-groomed, what is it that people find so detestable about men with long hair and bears in modern society? I mean, theoretically, shouldn't long hair and facial hair be "the norm"?

More importantly, however, why is a man with long hair and a bear, automatically viewed negatively? Whether it's a job interview, a potential mate, whatever (though honestly, Women tend to view short hair and clean shaven as attractive, simply because it's the norm, rather than it being innately attractive)

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?


What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

i have semi-long hair and plan on growing a beard too but i never heard anything of women complaining about it

or problems w/ job interviews or anything, though I don't see many long hair, bearded men working in my nearby restaurant so /shrug

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

I see nothin wrong with it, i'm down with people doing what makes them happy %26amp;%26amp; if long hair is what makes them happy... cooooool.

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

same as if a girl shaves her head and stops shaving her legs... same thing. is that bad?

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

I have long hair so dont ask me!

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

personally I don't anything wrong with a beard so long it's get clean and trimmed

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

It is attractive. however in corporate america they view that as being too laid back and they are looking for the clean cut all american to represent their companies. lame i know but that is how the world is

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

many bikers have long hair and bears :) most have good jobs and nice ladies.

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

My brother has a long stash and beard and it is just gross. Watching him eat is worse, seeing the food get caught in it.

Not to mention you look like ya belong is some third world country!!! Ha Ha Ha.

I guess it works if you are 40 or older but thats about it

Better just keep yours short like it is to be on the safe side!!! :)

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

i think people who have long hair %26amp; beards r awesome, they look like hippies! HA!


What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

nothing I am a male and i have hair down my back along with a soul patch and sideburns and I have a good job, and a hot girlfriend. On top of that I am only 16 in highschool.

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

I LOVE long hair on men. I'm not too fanciful on facial hair, but a small chin pouf suits me fine. I think its much sexier than a crew cut and a baby face. Ew.

I think its just the relation to drug addicted hippies that comes into peoples minds when they see a guy with long hair. Like, long hair automatically correlates to no job, lazy, bum with no self drive.

Which is completely ridiculous.

PS, this has nothing to do with the question, but this is my 700th answer!

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

Personally, I think that long hair and a beard looks hippyish?? And yes, I agree, guys with short hair and a kept up goatee, look clean-shaven. The long hair looks like maybe you don't bathe.

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

Personally, I don't think long hair looks good on a man. But as far as beards go, if you want one I say let it grow. I have a goatee/mustache combo, and have for about the last 10 years. I actually look strange without it.

As far as your question, it's as you said, viewed as "the norm". In biblical times, it was considered a shame for a grown man to not have a beard.

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

This is a good question. My personal opinion, is that shaving everyday and getting regular hair cuts takes more effort than just letting it all go. Lots of people just get the vibe of laziness, dirtiness, and lack of a good self-worth concept.

Just like with overweight people. Society views them as lazy, stinky, and dirty. But it's never taken into consideration that many overweight people have no choice; meds, thyroid problems, and heredity are HUGE contributors to excessive weight and no matter how little they eat or how much they exercise, their weight will always be an issue for them.

It's just society's skewed perception.

What is *so* wrong with a man having long hair and a beard?

Facial hair and long scraggly head hair just looks dirty. And a person who would deliberately allow himself to look dirty simply isn't going to be taken seriously. It does not just apply to men: we guys are more attracted to the woman who has spent some time styling her hair to look it's best rather than the skank who just lets it hang there unkempt. Unkind? Yes, but that's the way it is. I had a goatee and 'stash for years, but didn't get top jobs until I shaved 'em. Nowadays I gots a handlebar 'stash, but then, I'm retired and spend my time portraying a surgeon in the Union army during the American Civil War - it makes me look more "authentic". And besides - being retired, I don't have to worry what others think!

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